Sunday, June 9, 2019

[Kenya]: Agriculture CS Distributes Kshs.3.5 Million Worth Of Cashew And Coconuts Seedlings

June 09, 2019

Kết quả hình ảnh cho kenya cashew
Images by IT

The  National government has donated 47, 000 seedlings of cashew nuts and coconuts in Mpeketoni and 20, 000 seedlings in Witu area  worth Sh.3.5 million.
The  Agriculture Cabinet Secretary (CS),Mwangi Kiunjuri said the move was aimed at improving Lamu’s growing agricultural sector as well as ensuring food security.
The  seedlings  donation  which  is  targeted at at-least 1, 200 farmers is also aimed at improving farmers yields of the two  cash crops over improved straits of coconut and cashew nuts that were distributed, which take a shorter time to grow  while also producing higher yields of harvested crop.
It is expected that tonnage of cashew nuts will increase by 2,000 tonnes annually once the crop is harvested.
Speaking  at  Lake Kenyatta Cooperative Sacco in Mpeketoni area of Lamu County, Kiunjuri divulged that the government  was  donating 40, 000 cashew nut and 7, 000 coconut seedlings with the aim of improving agriculture in Lamu.
The  CSn  promised that 60, 000 additional seedlings will be brought later this month thus ensuring that each  farmer has a total of 15 seedlings by the end of the seed distribution drive in Lamu.
Specialists  will  also be brought next year so that the propagation of seeds can be done in the county’s two acre nursery  to  reduce the transport costs and provide job opportunities to the people of Lamu County.
Mpeketoni  and  Witu  areas  were  targeted  for  the  seedlings distribution as they form the county’s bread basket for  agricultural produce.
He  further  revealed  that  the national government  will  be  providing pesticides at subsidized rates to ensure that all  farmers have access to it.
Kiunjuri  added  that  dam  projects  were  under  way in Mkunumbi and Koreni wards to ensure water security in the semi  arid area.
The  two dam projects will also benefit 200 farmers in the area.
Speaking at the function, Bahari Ward MCA, Anthony Njomo stated that despite a relatively thriving agricultural sector in Mpeketoni, the trade is plagued by brokers who distort market prices and give farmers a raw deal for their produce.
“Brokers are the reason why poverty remains high among most farmers in Mpeketoni, despite the crop’s abundance, yet there  are no systems in place to ensure the farmers are paid a fair market rate,” Njomo said.
He  added that this year’s cotton produce will be sold at Ksh.52 which is a little more than the previous year, hopefully next year it will be at least Sh.60.
By  Karimi Kirimi/Amenya  Ochieng

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