June 12, 2019
Among the tropical products that produce economic fruits, the cashew nut would be par excellence in the top 5 of the classification. Good, healthy and responsible, however, its culture and transformation represent opportunities for openness to sustainable development in Mali. But when is one for valorization at the local level?
Images by IT
A world player in the production of cashew nuts, in ten years Mali has grown from 15,000 tons to 140,000 tons. As a driver of development of rural areas in Mali, the economic and social impact of its exploitation and transformation is enormous but remains forgotten or Mali compared to other countries in the sub-region. A policy amplified by long-term investments is not adopted by the Government.
With 95% of production exported. However, it is a rate of only 5% that is destined for local processing, a transformation of crumb demonstrates enough that the product is in need of a proactive policy. Already, its production has a huge economic impact. A real way of boosting income for the benefit of rural populations, its local transformation must be encouraged, better valued to avoid the curse of raw materials. Its culture needs a more qualitative and quantitative model of agriculture in order to avoid the crisis that still shakes it.
Given the quality of cashew nuts in Mali compared to those of other producing countries, marketing efforts must be made for it, as Burkina Faso and Guinea Bissau have done, just like the success of juices. This, with interesting price levels, also like the Ivory Coast which, within five years, wants to reach 50%.
If the desire of Western consumers is to give meaning to their diet then it is the responsibility of the highest authorities in this area to give meaning to the cashew nut sector of the country that has just been approved by the Higher Council of Agriculture. This sector must serve as a way out of crisis that shook the product since the advent of the 1968 coup against the Modibo Kéïta regime.
True contributor to the fight against poverty, sustainable development, by its plantation, the cashew stops the advance of the desert, contributes to the reduction of emigration. This, by the exploitation of its chain of values. This approval must be an opportunity, an essential link to the specific objectives targeted by the inter-professional cashew who are the economic opportunities and rural employment in the sector and income of the populations will be increased, food and nutritional security is improved, the governance of the sector is strengthened to which many results correspond.
Moctar N'Diaye (THE COMBAT)
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