Monday, July 1, 2019

[Ivory Coast] mobilizes 9.4 billion FCFA for its mango and pineapple sectors

June 27, 2019

In partnership with the AfDB, Côte d'Ivoire, the largest agricultural country in WAEMU, will invest in the development of local processing of pineapple and mango. The investment is part of its plan to set up a local industry for processing 50% of agricultural production.

The Grand Bassam region is one of the main growing areas for mango and pineapple in Côte d'Ivoire.
Images by IT

In Ivory Coast 9.4 billion CFA francs, or $ 16.3 million will be invested for the industrialization of pineapple and mango sectors. The announcement was made Tuesday in Grand-Bassam by the coordinator of the project to support competitiveness of the industrial sector (PARSCSI), Fae Adrien. The latter spoke at the opening of the pineapple and mango diagnostic report validation workshop that has just ended in Grand-Bassam, one of the main areas for growing mangoes and mangoes. pineapple.

The investment is a step in the implementation of the Ivorian plan for agricultural revival and whose objective is to make the sector more competitive and lucrative for local actors.

Boosting local agricultural transformation in Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire is one of the main agricultural countries in West Africa whose agriculture generates nearly 50% of annual revenues. The main products grown in Côte d'Ivoire are fruit crops. Among them, the mango with an annual production of about 150 000 tons of which 30 000 tons for export. The country is also a major producer of pineapple , one of its main cash crops. It has about 2,500 informal or traditional small pineapple planters that generate more than 80% of local production. In general, Côte d'Ivoire is a key player in tropical products. It supplies 40% of cocoa and 20% of cashew nuts worldwide. Since the end of the crisis in 2012, the authorities have focused on the development and processing of several fruit crops including mango and pineapple to boost the incomes of people in the north of the country with low incomes.
By 2020, Côte d'Ivoire aims in its Agricultural Recovery Plan (PNIA) the local transformation of nearly half of its agricultural production to create value and employment. This, with particular emphasis on the exploitation and processing of tropical products including cocoa, pineapple, coconut, mango, cashew. It is in this context that Ivorian investments are made in partnership with the African Development Bank (AfDB).

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