Monday, August 5, 2019

[IVC]: Cashew cotton: farmers seek the support of micro finance to boost the '' welding '' period

August 05, 2019

Food farmers, skimmers and cajouculturists in the northern Ivory Coast and the cotton basin of Côte d'Ivoire have sought the support of the state from micro-finance to boost the lean season or the fai, permanent poverty factor in the villages of Korhogo. This is what emerges from the agricultural meeting that brought together farmers, nutritionists and micro-finance players on August 4 in the city of Korhogo. 
Cotton Cashew
© by DR 
Cashew cotton: farmers seek the support of micro finance to boost the '' welding '' period 
Photo: Siluru Sibiri Head of Korhogo Agency for Microfinance PAMFCI

"The lean season is a period of penance that runs from July to September of each year, during which time the problem of food is rife because the food stocks are exhausted. new harvest is expected only in two or three months is from the months of October, November December, "said Adama Konaté spokesperson of the peasants. 

Donatien Coulibaly, nutrition specialist of an international NGO announced the presence of malnutrition which is gaining ground among children from one to 05 years old and among the elderly at this time of scarcity in the peasant environment.According to Albert Sekongo, cottongrower and cajouculteur in the department of Dikodougou, this agricultural lean season also opens "the box of pandora difficult to close to some economic operators who, without mercy, neither faith, nor law, take advantage to make themselves money by crediting sacks of rice or food to the peasant provided that he agrees to repay the price of his choice during marketing 

For example, the government can fix the price of the kilogram of cashew at 375 F CFA while the farmer agreed to the merchant when he received the bags of rice to sell the same kilogram of cashew at 100FCF. 

"We are sadly recording many farmers who are experiencing this situation," said Sekongo. Ditto for cotton farmers who do not hesitate to sell off to other opportunistic traders the inputs delivered by cotton companies (fertilizers, herbicides) for the maintenance of plantations in order to have a good remuneration. And these inputs are resold on the local markets and even in neighboring countries according to Zie Soro another cotton producer. . Recall that the purchase price of seed cotton first choice was set at 300FCFA / KG for the campaign 2019-2020 during a ministerial council by the Ivorian government. 

Siliré Sibiri head of Korhogo agency of the first micro-finance located in Ivory Coast (PAMF CI), Mali and Burkina Faso invited to this agricultural meeting on behalf of Ivory Coast operations manager Abou Coulibaly , placed under the responsibility of the Director General based in Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso said that the peasant world is an honest world vis-à-vis the repayment of credits. "When we talk about the peasant world, it's about villages. And the villages still have the intrinsic values ​​that people want to preserve. Because the peasant prefers to sleep without eating and to repay his credit that to eat and sleep with a credit on the back and circulate in the village where everyone knows each other and wants to preserve his honor ... While this does not exclude that farmers are unable to acquit. But from this incapacity you can perceive the will to repay, "he revealed. Before urging local authorities to take an interest in micro finance for the well being of their communities. Our portfolio consists mainly of rural loans specified Silué which ended with the presentation of the products among others the individual credit; Savings products for individuals, companies, association groups including the peasant mass .... 

Aly O. in Korhogo
Source: Abidjan.Net

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