Monday, September 2, 2019

[Burkina Faso]: Commune of Djigouè: More than a hundred plants planted by the Benkadi Cooperative producers of cashew nuts.

September 01, 2019

The Benkadi Co-operative of Cashew Producers initiated a campaign of reforestation in the rural district of Djigouè in the South-West region this Friday, August 30, 2019. The administrative authorities headed by the chief magistrate of the commune, Tama Magan, Mayor of Djigouè, customary authorities and forces of the said commune went out massively to green together their commune through this reforestation.
There are dozens of plants composed mainly of cashew, mango, baobab, lemon, eucalyptus and many other plant species that were planted this Friday, August 30, 2019 by the population of Djigouè.Through this activity, the Benkadi Co-operative of Cashew Producers intends to make its contribution to the construction of a green commune rich in plant resources.
Equipped with dabas, pickaxes, machetes and tricycles, the inhabitants of this rural commune of the south-west region started their planting at the Djigouè high school, then it is the turn of the public primary schools of Djigouè A and B to receive new plants for the happiness of students and their supervisors. Antoine Traoré, director of A school Djigouè, said he was very happy to have received this reforestation in his school. "It's a huge joy that drives me today with these plants planted in my school.He exclaimed. For him, all these plants are of great importance to society. "The fruits, leaves, shade and oxygen of these trees will be of unparalleled benefit for future generations. He said.
The Mayor of the commune of Djigoue, Tama Magan, has found the same trumpeter as Mr. Traoré Antoine to show his gratitude to the initiators of the reforestation. "On behalf of the people of Djigouè, we thank the cooperative Benkadi for this important initiative because the reforestation has allowed to plant several plants in the various administrative departments of our municipality. " he said.
The Bourgmestre of Djigouè also requested the agreement, the union, and the collaboration within the cooperative for the smooth running of the cashew business. Which trade remains one of the main activities of the population of Djigouè.
"Who speaks of the cashew nut, necessarily speaks of the tree. This reforestation activity aims to bring together all producers of cashew nuts in the same goal. "Confessed the representative of the president of Benkadi cooperative Adama Traoré who also appealed to all producers for a massive membership Benkadi cooperative for a better tomorrow for the cashew industry.
Remember that the rural commune of Djigouè is one of the main producing communities of cashew nuts in the South-West region. The communal authorities took advantage of this reforestation to launch a heartfelt statement about the rehabilitation of the Kampti-Djigouè-Hélintira road for the transport of cashew nuts to the big cities of Burkina Faso like Bobo Dioulasso.

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